Reimporting Existing Data (Visible Data Stores)

Under some circumstances you may wish to reimport a data store which you already have loaded in your current SeqMonk project. You might want to do this to apply one of the import modification options (removing duplicates, extending reads,filtering etc) to a data set which you didn't initially modify, or you might want to convert a data group into a dataset.

To reimport a data store simply make it visible in the chromsome view and then select File > Import Data > Visible Data Stores. You will see the standard options for single end data import, along with some re-import specific options. Once re-imported you will have a new data set for each visible data store and this new data will have those options applied. The new data set will have the same name as the original data store, but with "_reimport" appended to it.

Reimport Options


Generally the options you have when re-importing are the same as you'd see when importing data from a traditional data source (BAM file etc). There are a few useful additional options though.

HiC data

All data